A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

It all began with the great Accident of 2025. After a meteor hit a pharmaceutical factory, the local wildlife suffered greatly, and many species died. However, what really made "The Accident" special was what it did to the raccoons. They gained the ability to morph their shape, and their brains evolved to an astounding degree. So, as raccoons tend to do, they soon started using their new skills to do what they do best: go where the food is.

In light of this furry chaos, to gain semblance of control over the situation, the officers of the RRTF (Raccoon Rehoming Task Force) have to sniff out the ones trying to infiltrate human society to cause mischief and bring them in to get their official raccoon registration. Slipping into the role of one of the RRTF agents, the player is called to a village with raccoon-related troubles and three new residents who have been acting suspiciously. Now it is up to them to figure out which of the suspects is actually a furball in disguise.


RaccoonFilesWindows.zip 130 MB
RaccoonFilesMac.zip 138 MB